
Access to data locations using key


Source position: fgl.pp line 292

public Property
  KeyData[Key: Pointer]: Pointer; default;


KeyData provides access to the data items, using their key value (as pointed to by AKey) as an index. When reading a non-existent key value, Nil is returned. If the key is found, a pointer to the associated data's location is returned. When writing, the key pointed to by Key is added if it was not present, and the data data is copied from the written pointer.

See also

Name Description
TFPSMap.Data Indexed access to the locations of all data items
TFPSMap.DataSize Size (in bytes) for the data associated with keys
TFPSMap.KeyData Access to data locations using key
TFPSMap.Keys Indexed access to the locations of all keys
TFPSMap.KeySize Size (in bytes) for the key

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