
Create token from filename


Source position: ipc.pp line 208

  function ftok(Path: PChar; ID: cint) : TKey;


ftok returns a key that can be used in a semget shmget or msgget call to access a new or existing IPC resource.

Path is the name of a file in the file system, ID is a character of your choice. The ftok call does the same as it's C counterpart, so a pascal program and a C program will access the same resource if they use the same Path and ID

For an example, see msgctl , semctl or shmctl .


ftok returns -1 if the file in Path doesn't exist.

See also

Name Description
msgget Return message queue ID, possibly creating the queue
semget Return the ID of a semaphore set, possibly creating the set
shmget Return the ID of a shared memory block, possibly creating it

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