
Return message queue ID, possibly creating the queue


Source position: ipc.pp line 656

  function msgget(key: TKey; msgflg: cint) : cint;


msgget returns the ID of the message queue described by key. Depending on the flags in msgflg, a new queue is created.

msgflg can have one or more of the following values (combined by ORs):

The queue is created if it doesn't already exist.
If used in combination with IPC_CREAT, causes the call to fail if the queue already exists. It cannot be used by itself.

Optionally, the flags can be ORed with a permission mode, which is the same mode that can be used in the file system.

For an example, see msgctl .


On error, -1 is returned, and IPCError is set.

See also

Name Description
ftok Create token from filename
msgctl Perform various operations on a message queue
msgrcv Retrieve a message from the queue
msgsnd Send a message to the message queue

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