
Send a message to the message queue


Source position: ipc.pp line 657

  function msgsnd(msqid: cint; msgp: PMSGbuf; msgsz: size_t; msgflg: cint)
                  : cint;


msgsend sends a message to a message queue with ID msqid. msgp is a pointer to a message buffer, that should be based on the TMsgBuf type. msgsiz is the size of the message (NOT of the message buffer record !)

The msgflg can have a combination of the following values (ORed together):

No special meaning. The message will be written to the queue. If the queue is full, then the process is blocked.
If the queue is full, then no message is written, and the call returns immediately.

The function returns True if the message was sent successfully, False otherwise.

For an example, see msgctl .


In case of error, the call returns False, and IPCerror is set.

See also

Name Description
msgctl Perform various operations on a message queue
msgget Return message queue ID, possibly creating the queue
msgrcv Retrieve a message from the queue

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