
Compare 2 values


Source position: math.pp line 632

  function CompareValue(const A: Integer; const B: Integer)
                        : TValueRelationship;
  function CompareValue(const A: Int64; const B: Int64)
                        : TValueRelationship;
  function CompareValue(const A: QWord; const B: QWord)
                        : TValueRelationship;
  function CompareValue(const A: Single; const B: Single; delta: Single)
                        : TValueRelationship;
  function CompareValue(const A: Double; const B: Double; delta: Double)
                        : TValueRelationship;
  function CompareValue(const A: Extended; const B: Extended; 
                       delta: Extended) : TValueRelationship;


CompareValue compares 2 integer or floating point values A and B and returns one of the following values:

if A<B
if A=B
if A>B

See also

Name Description
TValueRelationship Type to describe relational order between values

results matching ""

    No results matching ""