
Check whether value is zero


Source position: math.pp line 248

  function IsZero(const A: Single; Epsilon: Single) : Boolean;  Overload;
  function IsZero(const A: Single) : Boolean;  Overload;
  function IsZero(const A: Double; Epsilon: Double) : Boolean;  Overload;
  function IsZero(const A: Double) : Boolean;  Overload;
  function IsZero(const A: Extended; Epsilon: Extended) : Boolean
                 ;  Overload;
  function IsZero(const A: Extended) : Boolean;  Overload;


IsZero checks whether the float value A is zero, up to a precision of Epsilon. It returns True if Abs(A) is less than Epsilon.

The default value for Epsilon depends on the type of the argument: it is 1E-4 for Single, 1E-12 for Double and 1E-16 for extended.

See also

Name Description
IsInfinite Check whether value is infinite
IsNan Check whether value is Not a Number
SameValue Check whether 2 float values are the same

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