
Check whether 2 float values are the same


Source position: math.pp line 276

  function SameValue(const A: Extended; const B: Extended) : Boolean
                    ;  Overload;
  function SameValue(const A: Double; const B: Double) : Boolean
                    ;  Overload;
  function SameValue(const A: Single; const B: Single) : Boolean
                    ;  Overload;
  function SameValue(const A: Extended; const B: Extended; 
                    Epsilon: Extended) : Boolean;  Overload;
  function SameValue(const A: Double; const B: Double; Epsilon: Double)
                     : Boolean;  Overload;
  function SameValue(const A: Single; const B: Single; Epsilon: Single)
                     : Boolean;  Overload;


SameValue returns True if the floating-point values A and B are the same, i.e. whether the absolute value of their their difference is smaller than Epsilon. If their difference is larger, then False is returned.

If unspecified, the default value for Epsilon is 0.0.

See also

Name Description
IsZero Check whether value is zero
MinFloat Minimum value (closest to zero) of float type

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