
Call a constructor with no arguments


Source position: objects.pp line 614

  function CallVoidConstructor(Ctor: CodePointer; Obj: pointer; 
                              VMT: pointer) : pointer;


CallVoidConstructor calls the constructor of an object. Ctor is the address of the constructor, Obj is a pointer to the instance. If it is Nil, then a new instance is allocated. VMT is a pointer to the object's VMT. The return value is a pointer to the instance.

Note that this can only be used on constructors that require no arguments.


If the constructor expects arguments, the stack may be corrupted.

See also

Name Description
CallPointerConstructor Call a constructor with a pointer argument.
CallPointerLocal Call a local nested function with a pointer argument
CallPointerMethod Call a method with a single pointer argument
CallPointerMethodLocal Call a local procedure of a method with a pointer argument
CallVoidLocal Call a local nested procedure.
CallVoidMethodLocal Call a local procedure of a method

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