TBufStream : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Close(TStream) default Close the stream
Close(TDosStream) default Close the file.
Close(TBufStream) default Flush data and Close the file.
CopyFrom(TStream) default Copy data from another stream.
Done(TBufStream) default Close the file and cleans up the instance.
Done(TDosStream) default Closes the file and cleans up the instance.
Done(TObject) default Destroy an object.
Error(TStream) default Set stream status
Flush(TStream) default Flush the stream data from the buffer, if any.
Flush(TBufStream) default FLush data from buffer, and write it to stream.
Free(TObject) default Destroy an object and release all memory.
Get(TStream) default Read an object definition from the stream.
GetPos(TStream) default Return current position in the stream
GetSize(TStream) default Return the size of the stream.
Init(TBufStream) default Initialize an instance of TBufStream and open the file.
Init(TDosStream) default Instantiate a new instance of TDosStream.
Init(TStream) default Constructor for TStream instance
Init(TObject) default Construct (initialize) a new object
Is_Object(TObject) default Check whether a pointer points to an object.
Open(TDosStream) default Open the file stream
Open(TStream) default Open the stream
Open(TBufStream) default Open the file if it is closed.
Put(TStream) default Write an object to the stream.
Read(TStream) default Read data from stream to buffer.
Read(TBufStream) default Read data from the file to a buffer in memory.
Read(TDosStream) default Read data from the stream to a buffer.
ReadStr(TStream) default Read a shortstring from the stream.
Reset(TStream) default Reset the stream
Seek(TStream) default Set stream position.
Seek(TDosStream) default Set file position.
Seek(TBufStream) default Set current position in file.
StrRead(TStream) default Read a null-terminated string from the stream.
StrWrite(TStream) default Write a null-terminated string to the stream.
Truncate(TBufStream) default Flush buffer, and truncate the file at current position.
Truncate(TDosStream) default Truncate the file on the current position.
Truncate(TStream) default Truncate the stream size on current position.
Write(TBufStream) default Write data to the file from a buffer in memory.
Write(TDosStream) default Write data from a buffer to the stream.
Write(TStream) default Write a number of bytes to the stream.
WriteStr(TStream) default Write a pascal string to the stream.

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