TResourceCollection : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
At(TCollection) default Return the item at a certain index.
AtDelete(TCollection) default Delete item at certain position.
AtFree(TCollection) default Free an item at the indicates position, calling it's destructor.
AtInsert(TCollection) default Insert an element at a certain position in the collection.
AtPut(TCollection) default Set collection item, overwriting an existing value.
Compare(TSortedCollection) default Compare two items in the collection.
Compare(TStringCollection) default Compare two strings in the collection.
Delete(TCollection) default Delete an item from the collection, but does not destroy it.
DeleteAll(TCollection) default Delete all elements from the collection. Objects are not destroyed.
Done(TCollection) default Clean up collection, release all memory.
Done(TObject) default Destroy an object.
Error(TCollection) default Set error code.
FirstThat(TCollection) default Return first item which matches a test.
ForEach(TCollection) default Execute procedure for each item in the list.
Free(TCollection) default Free item from collection, calling it's destructor.
Free(TObject) default Destroy an object and release all memory.
FreeAll(TCollection) default Release all objects from the collection.
FreeItem(TResourceCollection) default Release memory occupied by item.
FreeItem(TCollection) default Destroy a non-nil item.
FreeItem(TStringCollection) default Dispose a string in the collection from memory.
GetItem(TStringCollection) default Get string from the stream.
GetItem(TCollection) default Read one item off the stream.
GetItem(TResourceCollection) default Read an item from the stream.
IndexOf(TSortedCollection) default Return index of an item in the collection.
IndexOf(TCollection) default Find the position of a certain item.
Init(TObject) default Construct (initialize) a new object
Init(TCollection) default Instantiate a new collection.
Init(TSortedCollection) default Instantiates a new instance of a TSortedCollection
Insert(TCollection) default Insert a new item in the collection at the end.
Insert(TSortedCollection) default Insert new item in collection.
Is_Object(TObject) default Check whether a pointer points to an object.
KeyOf(TResourceCollection) default Return the key of an item in the collection.
KeyOf(TSortedCollection) default Return the key of an item
LastThat(TCollection) default Return last item which matches a test.
Load(TSortedCollection) default Instantiates a new instance of a TSortedCollection and loads it from stream.
Load(TCollection) default Initialize a new collection and load collection from a stream.
Pack(TCollection) default Remove all >Nil pointers from the collection.
PutItem(TStringCollection) default Write a string to the stream.
PutItem(TResourceCollection) default Write an item to the stream.
PutItem(TCollection) default Put one item on the stream
Search(TSortedCollection) default Search for item with given key.
SetLimit(TCollection) default Set maximum number of elements in the collection.
Store(TSortedCollection) default Write the collection to the stream.
Store(TCollection) default Write collection to a stream.

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