TResourceFile : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Count(TResourceFile) default Number of resources in the file
Delete(TResourceFile) default Delete a resource from the file
Done(TObject) default Destroy an object.
Done(TResourceFile) default Destroy the instance and remove it from memory.
Flush(TResourceFile) default Writes the resources to the stream.
Free(TObject) default Destroy an object and release all memory.
Get(TResourceFile) default Return a resource by key name.
Init(TResourceFile) default Instantiate a new instance.
Init(TObject) default Construct (initialize) a new object
Is_Object(TObject) default Check whether a pointer points to an object.
KeyAt(TResourceFile) default Return the key of the item at a certain position.
Put(TResourceFile) default Set a resource by key name.
SwitchTo(TResourceFile) default Write resources to a new stream.

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