
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Abstract sorted collection.


Source position: objects.pp line 466

  TSortedCollection = object (TCollection)
    Duplicates : Boolean;
    constructor Init(ALimit: Sw_Integer; ADelta: Sw_Integer);
    constructor Load(var S: TStream);
    function KeyOf(Item: Pointer) : Pointer;  Virtual;
    function IndexOf(Item: Pointer) : Sw_Integer;  Virtual;
    function Compare(Key1: Pointer; Key2: Pointer) : Sw_Integer;  Virtual;
    function Search(Key: Pointer; var Index: Sw_Integer) : Boolean;  Virtual;
    procedure Insert(Item: Pointer);  Virtual;
    procedure Store(var S: TStream);


TSortedCollection is an abstract class, implementing a sorted collection. You should never use an instance of TSortedCollection directly, instead you should declare a descendent type, and override the Compare method.

Because the collection is ordered, TSortedCollection overrides some TCollection methods, to provide faster routines for lookup.

The Compare method decides how elements in the collection should be ordered. Since TCollection has no way of knowing how to order pointers, you must override the compare method.

Additionally, TCollection provides a means to filter out duplicates. if you set Duplicates to False (the default) then duplicates will not be allowed.

The example below defines a descendent of TSortedCollection which is used in the examples.


Member Type Visibility Description
Compare Method default Compare two items in the collection.
Duplicates Field default If True duplicate strings are allowed in the collection.
IndexOf Method default Return index of an item in the collection.
Init Method default Instantiates a new instance of a TSortedCollection
Insert Method default Insert new item in collection.
KeyOf Method default Return the key of an item
Load Method default Instantiates a new instance of a TSortedCollection and loads it from stream.
Search Method default Search for item with given key.
Store Method default Write the collection to the stream.


Class Description
TSortedCollection Abstract sorted collection.


Unit MySortC;
Uses Objects;
  PMySortedCollection = ^TMySortedCollection;
  TMySortedCollection = Object(TSortedCollection)
       Function Compare (Key1,Key2 : Pointer): Sw_integer; virtual;
Uses MyObject;
Function TMySortedCollection.Compare (Key1,Key2 : Pointer) :sw_integer;
  Compare:=PMyobject(Key1)^.GetField - PMyObject(Key2)^.GetField;

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