
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Generate a stream with strings, readable by TStringList


Source position: objects.pp line 582

  TStrListMaker = object (TObject)
    constructor Init(AStrSize: Sw_Word; AIndexSize: Sw_Word);
    destructor Done;  Virtual;
    procedure Put(Key: Sw_Word; S: string);
    procedure Store(var S: TStream);
    StrPos : Sw_Word;
    StrSize : Sw_Word;
    Strings : PByteArray;
    IndexPos : Sw_Word;
    IndexSize : Sw_Word;
    Index : PStrIndex;
    Cur : TStrIndexRec;
    procedure CloseCurrent;


The TStrListMaker object can be used to generate a stream with strings, which can be read with the TStringList object. If you register this object with the RegisterType function, you cannot register the TStringList object.


Member Type Visibility Description
CloseCurrent Method private
Cur Field private
Done Method default Clean up the instance and free all related memory.
Index Field private
IndexPos Field private
IndexSize Field private
Init Method default Instantiate a new instance of TStrListMaker
Put Method default Add a new string to the list with associated key.
Store Method default Write the strings to the stream.
Strings Field private
StrPos Field private
StrSize Field private


Class Description
TStrListMaker Generate a stream with strings, readable by TStringList

results matching ""

    No results matching ""