Reference for unit 'Sockets': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
Accept Accept a connection from a socket (deprecated).
Bind Alias for fpBind.
CloseSocket Closes a socket handle.
Connect Open a connection to a server socket (deprecated).
fpaccept Accept a connection from a socket.
fpbind Bind a socket to an address.
fpconnect Open a connection to a server socket.
fpgetpeername Return the name (address) of the connected peer.
fpgetsockname Return name of socket.
fpgetsockopt Get current socket options
fplisten Listen for connections on a socket.
fprecv Receive data on socket
fprecvfrom Receive data from an unconnected socket
fpsend Send data through socket
fpsendto Send data through an unconnected socket to an address.
fpsetsockopt Set socket options.
fpshutdown Close one end of full duplex connection.
fpsocket Create new socket
fpsocketpair Create socket pair.
HostAddrToStr Convert a host address to a string.
HostAddrToStr6 Convert a IPV6 host address to a string representation.
HostToNet Convert a host address to a network address
htonl Convert long integer from host ordered to network ordered
htons Convert short integer from host ordered to network ordered
NetAddrToStr Convert a network address to a string.
NetAddrToStr6 Convert a IPV6 network address to a string.
NetToHost Convert a network address to a host address.
NToHl Convert long integer from network ordered to host ordered
NToHs Convert short integer from network ordered to host ordered
ShortHostToNet Convert a host port number to a network port number
ShortNetToHost Convert a network port number to a host port number
Sock2File Convert socket to untyped file descriptors
Sock2Text Convert socket to text file descriptors
socketerror Contains the error code for the last socket operation.
Str2UnixSockAddr Convert path to TUnixSockAddr
StrToHostAddr Convert a string to a host address.
StrToHostAddr6 Convert a string to a IPV6 host address.
StrToNetAddr Convert a string to a network address.
StrToNetAddr6 Convert a string to a IPV6 network address

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