
Extract a word from a string, starting at a given position in the string.


Source position: strutils.pp line 209

  function ExtractSubstr(const S: string; var Pos: Integer; 
                        const Delims: TSysCharSet) : string;


ExtractSubStr returns all characters from S starting at position Pos till the first character in Delims, or till the end of S is reached. The delimiter character is not included in the result. Pos is then updated to point to the next first non-delimiter character in S. If Pos is larger than the Length of S, an empty string is returned.

The predefined constant StdWordDelims can be used for the Delims argument.



See also

Name Description
ExtractDelimited Extract the N-th delimited part from a string.
ExtractWord Extract the N-th word out of a string.
ExtractWordPos Extract a word from a string, and return the position where it was located in the string.

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