
Check whether a string matches a wildcard search expression.


Source position: strutils.pp line 212

  function IsWild(InputStr: string; Wilds: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean)
                  : Boolean;


IsWild checks InputStr for the presence of the Wilds string. Wilds may contain "?" and "*" wildcard characters, which have their usual meaning: "*" matches any series of characters, possibly empty. "?" matches any single character. The function returns True if a string is found that matches Wilds, False otherwise.

If IgnoreCase is True, the non-wildcard characters are matched case insensitively. If it is False, case is observed when searching.



See also

Name Description
FindPart Search for a substring in a string, using wildcards.
SearchBuf Search a buffer for a certain string.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""