
Pad the string to a certain length, so the string is centered.


Source position: strutils.pp line 192

  function PadCenter(const S: string; Len: SizeInt) : string;


PadCenter add spaces to the left and right of the string S till the result reaches length Len. If the number of spaces to add is odd, then the extra space will be added at the end. If the string S has length equal to or larger than Len, no spaces are added, and the string S is returned as-is.



See also

Name Description
AddChar Add characters to the left of a string till a certain length
AddCharR Add chars at the end of a string till it reaches a certain length
PadLeft Add spaces to the left of a string till a certain length is reached.
PadRight Add spaces to the right of a string till a certain length is reached.

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