
Return the position in a string of any character out of a set of characters, starting at a certain position


Source position: strutils.pp line 240

  function PosSetEx(const c: TSysCharSet; const s: ansistring; 
                   count: Integer) : SizeInt;
  function PosSetEx(const c: string; const s: ansistring; count: Integer)
                    : SizeInt;


PosSetEx returns the position in s of the first found character which is in the set c, and starts searching at character position Count. If none of the characters in c is found in s, then 0 is returned.



See also

Name Description
PosEx Search for the occurrence of a character in a string, starting at a certain position.
PosSet Return the position in a string of any character out of a set of characters
RPosEx Find last occurrence substring or character in a string, starting at a certain position
#rtl.system.pos Search for substring in a string.

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