
Remove any trailing or leading characters in a set from a string


Source position: strutils.pp line 245

  procedure RemovePadChars(var S: AnsiString; const CSet: TSysCharSet);


RemovePadChars removes any leading trailing characters from S that appear in the set CSet, i.e. it starts with the last character and works its way to the start of the string, and it stops removing characters as soon as a character not in CSet is encountered. Then the same procedure is repeated starting from the beginning of the string. This is similar in behaviour to Trim which used whitespace as the set.



See also

Name Description
RemoveLeadingChars Remove any leading characters in a set from a string
RemoveTrailingChars Remove any trailing characters in a set from a string
Trim Trim whitespace from the ends of a string.
TrimLeftSet Remove any leading characters in a set from a string and returns the result
TrimRightSet Remove any trailing characters in a set from a string and returns the result
TrimSet Remove any leading or trailing characters in a set from a string and returns the result

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