
Convert a string with a Roman number to it's decimal value.


Source position: strutils.pp line 227

  function RomanToInt(const S: string; 
                     Strictness: TRomanConversionStrictness) : LongInt;


RomanToInt returns the decimal equivalent of the Roman numerals in the string S. Invalid characters are dropped from S. A negative numeral is supported as well. The level of error checking is determined by the strictness parameter, the values are described in the type TRomanConversionStrictness .


On error, a EConvertError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
Hex2Dec Converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal value
IntToRoman Represent an integer with roman numerals
Numb2Dec Converts a string representation of a number to its numerical value, given a certain base.
TRomanConversionStrictness How to treat invalid roman numerals in TryRomanToInt.

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