
Encode a string by XOR-ing its characters using characters of a given key, representing the result as hex values.


Source position: strutils.pp line 214

  function XorEncode(const Key: string; const Source: string) : string;


XorEncode encodes the string Source by XOR-ing each character in Source with the corresponding character in Key (repeating Key as often as necessary) and representing the resulting ASCII code as a hexadecimal number (of length 2). The result is therefore twice as long as the original string, and every 2 bytes represent an ASCII code.

Feeding the resulting string with the same key Key to the XorDecode function will result in the original Source string.

This function can be used e.g. to trivially encode a password in a configuration file.



See also

Name Description
Hex2Dec Converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal value
XorDecode Decode a string encoded with XorEncode
XorString Encode a string by XOR-ing its characters using characters of a given key.

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