
Set of characters considered directory separators


Source position: line 35

AllowDirectorySeparators : Set of Char = ['\', '/']


AllowDirectorySeparators is the set of characters which are considered directory separators by the RTL units. By default, this is set to the most common directory separators: forward slash and backslash, so routines will work in a cross-platform manner, no matter which character was used:

AllowDirectorySeparators : set of char = ['\','/'];

If a more strict behaviour is desired, then AllowDirectorySeparators can be set to the only character allowed on the current operating system, and all RTL routines that handle filenames (splitting filenames, extracting parts of the filename and so on) will use that character only.

See also

Name Description
AllowDriveSeparators Set of characters considered drive separators
DriveSeparator Character used to separate directory parts.
ExtensionSeparator Character which separates the filename from the file extension.
PathSeparator Character used to separate paths in a search list

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