
Open a file in append mode


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  procedure Append(var t: Text);


Append opens an existing file in append mode. Any data written to F will be appended to the file. Only text files can be opened in append mode. After a call to Append, the file F becomes write-only. File sharing is not taken into account when calling Append.


If the file doesn't exist when appending, a run-time error will be generated. This behaviour has changed on Windows and Linux platforms, where in versions prior to 1.0.6, the file would be created in append mode.

See also

Name Description
Close Close a file
Reset Open file for reading
Rewrite Open file for writing


Program Example3;
{ Program to demonstrate the Append function. }
Var f : text;
  Assign (f,'test.txt');
  Rewrite (f);            { file is opened for write, and emptied }
  Writeln (F,'This is the first line of text.txt');
  close (f);
  Append(f);              { file is opened for write, but NOT emptied.
                            any text written to it is appended.}
  Writeln (f,'This is the second line of text.txt');
  close (f);

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