
Close a file


Source position: line 1365

  procedure Close(var f: File);
  procedure Close(var t: Text);


Close flushes the buffer of the file F and closes F. After a call to Close, data can no longer be read from or written to F. To reopen a file closed with Close, it isn't necessary to assign the file again. A call to Reset or Rewrite is sufficient.


Depending on the state of the {$I} switch, a runtime error can be generated if there is an error. In the {$I-} state, use IOResult to check for errors.

See also

Name Description
Assign Assign a name to a file
Flush Write file buffers to disk
Reset Open file for reading
Rewrite Open file for writing


Program Example9;
{ Program to demonstrate the Close function. }
Var F : text;
 Assign (f,'Test.txt');
 ReWrite (F);
 Writeln (F,'Some text written to Test.txt');
 close (f); { Flushes contents of buffer to disk,
              closes the file. Omitting this may
              cause data NOT to be written to disk.}

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