
Character used to separate directory parts.


Source position: line 32

DriveSeparator = ''


On systems that support drive letters, the DriveSeparator constant denotes the character that separates the drive indicator from the directory part in a filename path.

This constant is part of a set of constants that describe the OS characteristics. These constants should be used instead of hardcoding OS characteristics.

See also

Name Description
DefaultTextLineBreakStyle Default line ending style.
DirectorySeparator Character used to separate directory parts.
FileNameCasePreserving OS preserves case in filenames when creating or renaming entries.
FileNameCaseSensitive OS treatment of filenames is case sensitive.
LFNSupport Constant describing support for long filenames.
LineEnding Constant describing the current line ending character.
PathSeparator Character used to separate paths in a search list

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