
Find a resource based on type, name, language


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  function FindResourceEx(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; 
                         ResourceType: PChar; ResourceName: PChar; 
                         Language: Word) : TFPResourceHandle;
  function FindResourceEx(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; 
                         const ResourceType: AnsiString; 
                         const ResourceName: AnsiString; Language: Word)
                          : TFPResourceHandle;
  function FindResourceEx(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; 
                         ResourceType: PChar; 
                         const ResourceName: AnsiString; Language: Word)
                          : TFPResourceHandle;
  function FindResourceEx(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; 
                         const ResourceType: AnsiString; 
                         ResourceName: PChar; Language: Word)
                          : TFPResourceHandle;


FindResourceEx looks in module ModuleHandle for a resource of type ResourceType and name ResourceName with language ID Language. Both Resourcename and ResourceName can be specified as a null-terminated array of characters, or as an AnsiString.

If the requested language/sublanguage is not found, then the search is conducted

with only primary language. with the neutral language (LANG_NEUTRAL) with the English language

If none of these has returned a match, then the first available language is returned.

If a match is found, a handle to the resource is returned. If none is found, an empty handle (nil or 0) is returned.



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    No results matching ""