Reference for unit 'System': Types

Type Description
AnsiChar Alias for 1-byte sized char.
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
Cardinal An unsigned 32-bits integer.
Char Character type (1 byte)
CodePointer Code pointer (8/16 bit targets)
CodePointer Code pointer (8/16 bit targets)
CodePtrInt Signed Integer with same size as CodePointer
CodePtrInt Signed Integer with same size as CodePointer
CodePtrUInt Unsigned Integer with same size as CodePointer
CodePtrUInt Unsigned Integer with same size as CodePointer
DWord An unsigned 32-bits integer
EnumResLangProc Callback for language resource enumeration
EnumResNameProc Callback for resource name enumeration
EnumResTypeProc Callback for resource type enumeration
FarPointer Far pointer (8/16 bit targets)
FileRec Untyped file type
HGLOBAL Windows compatibility type for use in resources
HMODULE Windows compatibility type for use in resources
HRESULT 32-Bit signed integer.
IInterface Basic interface for all COM based interfaces
Int16 A signed 16-bits integer
Int32 A signed 32-bits integer
Int64 64-bit, signed integer
Int8 A signed 8-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
IntegerArray Generic array of integer.
IntPtr A signed integer with the same size in bytes as pointer
jmp_buf Record type to store processor information.
Longint A signed 32-bits integer
Longword An unsigned 32-bits integer
MAKEINTRESOURCE Alias for the PChar type.
MarshaledAString Alias for PAnsiChar
MarshaledString Alias for PWideChar
NativeInt Alias for PtrInt
NativeUInt Alias for PtrUInt
OpaquePointer Type alias for POpaqueData
PAnsiChar Alias for PChar type.
PAnsiString Pointer to an ansistring type.
PBoolean Pointer to a Boolean type.
PByte Pointer to byte type
pcalldesc Pointer to TCallDesc record.
PCardinal Pointer to Cardinal type
PChar Pointer to null-terminated string.
PClass Pointer to TClass
PCodePointer Pointer to CodePointer
PCurrency Pointer to currency type.
PDate Pointer to a TDateTime type.
PDateTime Pointer to TDatetime
PDispatch Pointer to IDispatch interface type
pdispdesc Pointer to tdispdesc record
PDouble Pointer to double-sized float value.
PDWord Pointer to DWord type
pdynarrayindex Pointer to tdynarrayindex type.
pdynarraytypeinfo Pointer to TDynArrayTypeInfo type.
PError Pointer to an Error type.
PEventState Pointer to EventState, which is an opaque type.
PExceptAddr Pointer to exception address record
PExceptObject Pointer to Exception handler procedural type TExceptProc
PExtended Pointer to extended-sized float value.
PFileTextRecChar Pointer to TFileTextRecChar
PGuid Pointer to TGUID type.
PInt16 Pointer to Int16 type
PInt32 Pointer to Int32 type
PInt64 Pointer to Int64 type
PInt8 Pointer to Int8 type
PInteger Pointer to integer type
PIntegerArray Pointer to IntegerArray type
PInterface Pointer to IInterface interface
pinterfaceentry Pointer to tinterfaceentry record.
pinterfacetable Pointer to tinterfacetable record.
PIntPtr Pointer to IntPtr type
PJmp_buf Pointer to jmp_buf record
PLongBool Pointer to a LongBool type.
PLongint Pointer to Longint type
PLongWord Pointer to LongWord type
PMarshaledAString Pointer to PWideChar
PMarshaledString Pointer to PWideChar
PMemoryManager Pointer to TMemoryManager record
PMethod Pointer to method
PMsgStrTable Pointer to array of TMsgStrTable records.
PNativeInt Pointer to NativeInt type
PNativeUInt Pointer to NativeInt type
PointerArray Generic pointer array.
POleVariant Pointer to OleVariant type.
POpaqueData Pointer to unknown data
PPAnsiChar Alias for PPChar type.
PPByte Pointer to PByte type.
PPChar Pointer to an array of pointers to null-terminated strings.
PPCharArray Pointer to TPCharArray type.
PPCodePointer Pointer to PCodePointer
PPDispatch Pointer to PDispatch pointer type
PPDouble Pointer to PDouble type.
ppdynarraytypeinfo Pointer to pdynarraytypeinfo
PPLongint Pointer to PLongint type.
PPointer Pointer to a pointer type.
PPointerArray Pointer to PointerArray type
PPPAnsiChar Pointer to PPAnsichar
PPPChar Pointer to PPChar.
PPPointer Pointer to a PPointer type.
PPPWideChar Pointer to PPWideChar type.
PPtrInt Pointer to PtrInt type.
PPtrUInt Pointer to unsigned integer of pointer size
PPUnknown Pointer to untyped pointer
PPVmt Pointer to PVMT pointer.
PPWideChar Pointer to link id="PWideChar"> type.
PQWord Pointer to QWord type
PRawByteString Pointer to RawByteString
PRTLCriticalSection Pointer to #rtl.system.TRTLCriticalSection type.
PRTLEvent Pointer to RTLEvent, which is an opaque type.
PShortInt Pointer to shortint type
PShortString Pointer to a shortstring type.
PSingle Pointer to single-sized float value.
PSizeInt Pointer to a SizeInt type
PSizeUInt Pointer to SizeUint
PSmallInt Pointer to smallint type
pstringmessagetable Pointer to TStringMessageTable record.
PText Pointer to text file.
PtrInt Signed integer type with same size as Pointer.
PtrInt Signed integer type with same size as Pointer.
PtrUInt Unsigned integer type with same size as Pointer.
PtrUInt Unsigned integer type with same size as Pointer.
PUCS2Char Pointer to UCS2Char character.
PUCS4Char Pointer to UCS4Char
PUCS4CharArray Pointer to array of UCS4Char characters.
PUInt16 Pointer to UInt16 type
PUInt32 Pointer to UInt32 type
PUInt64 Pointer to UInt64
PUInt8 Pointer to UInt8 type
PUintPtr Pointer to UIntPtr type
PUnicodeChar Pointer to Unicode character
PUnicodeString Pointer to unicodestring
PUnknown Untyped pointer
PUTF8Char Pointer to UTF8Char
PUTF8String Pointer to UTF8String
pvararray Pointer to TVarArray type.
pvararraybound Pointer to tvararraybound type.
pvararrayboundarray Pointer to tvararrayboundarray type.
pvararraycoorarray Pointer to tvararraycoorarray type.
pvardata Pointer to TVarData record.
PVariant Pointer to Variant type.
pvariantmanager Pointer to TVariantManager record.
PVarRec Pointer to TVarRec type.
PVmt Pointer to TVMT record
PWideChar Pointer to WChar .
PWideString Pointer to widestring type
PWord Pointer to word type
PWordBool Pointer to a WordBool type.
QWord 64-bit unsigned integer
RawByteString Single-byte character string without specified codepage
Real Alias for real type
Real48 TP compatible real type (6 bytes) definition
Shortint A signed 8-bits integer
SizeInt Signed integer type which fits for sizes
SizeInt Signed integer type which fits for sizes
SizeUInt Unsigned Integer type which fits for sizes
SizeUInt Unsigned Integer type which fits for sizes
Smallint A signed 16-bits integer
TAbstractErrorProc Abstract error handler procedural type.
TAllocateThreadVarsHandler Threadvar allocation callback type for TThreadManager .
TAnsiChar Alias for 1-byte sized char.
TAssertErrorProc Assert error handler procedural type.
TBacktraceStrFunc Type for formatting of backtrace dump.
TBasicEventCreateHandler callback type for creating eventstate in TThreadManager .
TBasicEventHandler Generic callback type for handling eventstate in TThreadManager .
TBasicEventWaitForHandler Wait for basic event callback type for TThreadManager .
TBeginThreadHandler Callback for thread start in TThreadManager .
TBoundArray Dynamic array of integer.
tcalldesc COM/OLE dispatch call argument description.
TClass Class of TObject .
TCompareOption How to compare strings
TCompareOptions Set of TCompareOption
TCriticalSectionHandler Generic callback type for critical section handling in TThreadManager .
TCriticalSectionHandlerTryEnter Function prototype for TryEnterCriticalsection
TCtrlBreakHandler CTRL-C Handler prototype
TDate Alias for TDateTime type.
TDateTime Encoded Date-Time type.
tdispdesc COM/OLE dispatch call description.
TDoubleRec Extended value record
tdynarrayindex Type with the correct size for index into a dynamic array.
tdynarraytypeinfo Type information for a dynamic array.
TDynLibsManager Dynamic library loading support
TEndThreadHandler Callback for thread end in TThreadManager .
TEntryInformation Executable entry point information structure
TEntryInformationOS Entry information for the OS
TError Error type, used in variants.
TErrorProc Standard error handler procedural type.
TExceptAddr Exception stack address descriptor
TExceptObject Exception object
TExceptProc Exception handler procedural type
TextBuf Text buffer
TExtended80Rec Extended value record
TextFile Alias for Text file type.
TextRec Text file type
TFileTextRecChar Character type for the filename part in file records
TFloatSpecial Special floating point values
TFPCHeapStatus Record describing the state of the default FPC heap manager.
TFPResourceHandle Handle to resource
TFPResourceHMODULE Handle to module containing resource
TFPUException Type describing Floating Point processor exceptions.
TFPUExceptionMask Set of TFPUException
TFPUPrecisionMode Type describing the default precision for Floating Point math.
TFPURoundingMode How to round floating point values
TGetCurrentThreadIdHandler Callback type for retrieving thread ID in TThreadManager .
TGetLoadErrorStrHandler Get last load error description string handler type
TGetProcAddressHandler Get procedure address handler type
TGetProcAddressOrdinalHandler Get procdure address by ordinal handler type
TGuid Standard GUID representation type.
THandle Type alias.
THeapStatus Record describing current heap status.
TInitThreadVarHandler Threadvar initialization callback type for TThreadManager .
TInterfacedClass TObject descendent implementing the IInterface interface
tinterfaceentry Interfaces table entry.
tinterfaceentrytype Dispatch interface entry type
tinterfacetable Record to store list of interfaces of a class.
TLibHandle Library handle type
TLineEndStr Line ending string type
TLoadLibraryAHandler >Load library (ansistring) handler type
TLoadLibraryUHandler Load library (unicode) handler type
TMemoryManager Record describing the current memory manager
TMethod Record describing a method.
TMsgStrTable Record used in string message handler table.
TOpaqueData Empty record
TOrdinalEntry Ordinal of entry point (windows only)
TPCharArray Array of PChar
TProcedure Simple procedural type.
TReleaseThreadVarsHandler Threadvar release callback type for TThreadManager .
TRelocateThreadVarHandler Threadvar relocalization callback type for TThreadManager .
TResourceHandle Handle to a resource, for use in the resource loading routines
TResourceManager Resource manager definition
TRTLCreateEventHandler Callback type for creating a TRTLEvent type in TThreadManager .
TRTLEventHandler Generic TRTLEvent handling type for TThreadManager .
TRTLEventHandlerTimeout TRTLEvent timeout handling type for TThreadManager .
trtlmethod Callback type for synchronization event.
TRuntimeError Type of runtime-error for the Error procedure
TSafeCallErrorProc Prototype for the safecall error handler
TSemaphoreDestroyHandler Function prototype for destroying a semaphore
TSemaphorePostHandler Function prototype for posting an event to a semaphore
TSemaphoreWaitHandler Function prototype to wait on a semaphore
TSempahoreInitHandler Function prototype for initializing a semaphore
TSingleRec Extended value record
TStandardCodePageEnum Description of standard used codepages
TStringMessageTable String message table container for class.
TSystemCodePage System code page
TTextBuf Alias for TextBuf
TTextLineBreakStyle Text line break style. (end of line character)
TThreadFunc Thread function prototype
TThreadGetPriorityHandler Callback type for thread priority getting in TThreadManager .
TThreadHandler Generic thread handler callback for TThreadManager .
TThreadID Type for Thread-IDs
TThreadManager Thread manager record.
TThreadSetPriorityHandler Callback type for thread priority setting in TThreadManager .
TThreadSwitchHandler Callback type for thread switch in TThreadManager .
TTime Alias for TDateTime type.
TTypeKind Type of a property or value.
TUCS4CharArray Array of UCS4Char characters.
TUnicodeStringManager Unicode string manager
TUnloadLibraryHandler Unload library handler type
tvararray Type describing variant array
tvararraybound Type describing variant array bounds.
tvararrayboundarray array of tvararraybound records.
tvararraycoorarray Array of variant array coordinates
tvardata Variant record.
tvariantmanager Record describing the variant manager.
tvarop Variant operation.
TVarRec Record describing an element in an array of const
tvartype Type with size of variant type.
TVmt Virtual method table layout
TWaitForThreadTerminateHandler Callback type for thread termination in TThreadManager .
TWideStringManager Record containing the various callbacks of the widestring manager.
UCS2Char UCS2 Unicode character.
UCS4Char UCS Unicode character (unsigned 32 bit word)
UCS4String String of UCS4Char characters.
UInt16 An unsigned 16-bits integer
UInt32 An unsigned 32-bits integer
UInt64 Unsigned 64-bit integer
UInt8 An unsigned 8-bits integer
UIntPtr An unsigned integer with the same size in bytes as pointer
UnicodeChar Unicode string character
UnicodeString A string consisting of widechars.
UTF8Char Single byte character
UTF8String UTF-8 Unicode (Ansi) string.
ValReal Largest available floating point type
ValSInt Val-Signed integer.
ValSInt Val-Signed integer.
ValUInt Val-unsigned integer
ValUInt Val-unsigned integer
WChar Wide char (16-bit sized char)
WideChar The base two byte character type
WideString UTF-16 widechar encoded unicode string
Word An unsigned 16-bits integer

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