Reference for unit 'System': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
Abs Calculate absolute value
AbstractError Generate an abstract error.
AcquireExceptionObject Obtain a reference to the current exception object
add(variant,variant):variant Implement addition (+) operation on variants.
AddExitProc Add an exit procedure to the exit procedure chain.
Addr Return address of a variable
Align Return aligned version of an address
AllocMem Allocate and clear memory.
AnsiToUtf8 Convert ansi string to UTF-8 string
Append Open a file in append mode
ArcTan Calculate inverse tangent
ArrayStringToPPchar Concert an array of string to an array of null-terminated strings
Assert Check validity of a given condition.
Assign Assign a name to a file
assign(Comp):olevariant Assign a comp-precision float to an ole-variant
assign(Comp):variant Assign a comp-precision float to a variant
assign(extended):olevariant Assign an extended-precision float to an ole-variant
assign(extended):variant Assign an extended-precision float to a variant
assign(olevariant):Comp Assign an ole- variant to a comp-precision float
assign(olevariant):extended Assign an ole- variant to an extended-precision float
assign(olevariant):Real Assign an ole- variant to a real-precision float
assign(olevariant):single Assign an ole- variant to a single-precision float
assign(olevariant):UnicodeString Assign an ole-variant to a unicode string
assign(Real):olevariant Assign a real-precision float to an ole-variant
assign(Real):variant Assign a real-precision float to a variant
assign(single):olevariant Assign a single-precision float to an ole-variant
assign(single):variant Assign a single-precision float to a variant
assign(UCS4String):variant Assign UCS4String to a variant, performing the necessary conversions
assign(UnicodeString):olevariant Assign a unicodestring to an ole-variant
assign(UnicodeString):variant Assign UnicodeString to a variant, performing the necessary conversions
assign(UTF8String):variant Assign an UTF-8 string to a variant, performing the necessary conversions
assign(variant):Comp Assign a variant to a comp-precision float
assign(variant):extended Assign a variant to a extended-precision float
assign(variant):Real Assign a variant to a real-precision float
assign(variant):single Assign a variant to a single-precision float
assign(variant):unicodestring Assign a variant to a unicodestring
assign(variant):UTF8String Assign a variant to an UTF8String
Assigned Check if a pointer is valid
BasicEventCreate Obsolete. Don't use
BasicEventDestroy Obsolete. Don't use
BasicEventResetEvent Obsolete. Don't use
BasicEventSetEvent Obsolete. Don't use
BasicEventWaitFor Obsolete. Don't use
BeginThread Start a new thread.
BEtoN Convert Big Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer
BinStr Convert integer to string with binary representation.
BlockRead Read data from an untyped file into memory
BlockWrite Write data from memory to an untyped file
Break Exit current loop construct.
BsfByte Return the position of the rightmost set bit in an 8-bit value
BsfDWord Return the position of the rightmost set bit in a 32-bit value
BsfQWord Return the position of the rightmost set bit in a 64-bit value
BsfWord Return the position of the rightmost set bit in a 16-bit value
BsrByte Return the position of the leftmost set bit in an 8-bit value
BsrDWord Return the position of the leftmost set bit in a 32-bit value
BsrQWord Return the position of the leftmost set bit in a 64-bit value
BsrWord Return the position of the leftmost set bit in a 16-bit value
CaptureBacktrace Return stack trace
ChDir Change current working directory.
Close Close a file
CloseThread Close a thread and free up resources used by the thread
CompareByte Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte
CompareChar compare 2 memory buffers character per character
CompareChar0 Compare two buffers character by character till a null-character is reached.
CompareDWord Compare 2 memory buffers DWord per DWord
CompareWord Compare 2 memory buffers word per word
Concat Append one string or dynamic array to another.
Continue Continue with next loop cycle.
Copy Copy part of a string.
CopyArray Copy managed-type elements in array
Cos Calculate cosine of angle
CSeg Return code segment
Dec Decrease value of variable
Default Return Default initialized value
DefaultAnsi2UnicodeMove Standard widestring manager callback
DefaultAnsi2WideMove Standard implementation of Ansi to Widestring conversion routine
DefaultUnicode2AnsiMove Standard widestring manager callback
Delete Delete elements (characters) from a string or dynamic array.
Dispose Free dynamically allocated memory
divide(variant,variant):variant Implement division (/) operation on variants.
DoneCriticalSection Clean up a critical section.
DoneThread End the current thread
DSeg Return data segment
DumpExceptionBacktrace Create backtrace
Dump_Stack Dump stack to the given text file.
DynArrayBounds Return the bounds of the dynamic array
DynArrayClear Clears a dynamic array
DynArrayDim Return the number of dimensions in a dynamic array
DynArrayIndex Return pointer to indicated element
DynArraySetLength Set the length of a dynamic array
DynArraySize Return length of dynamic array
EmptyMethod Empty method alias
EndThread End the current thread.
EnterCriticalSection Enter a critical section
EnumResourceLanguages Enumerate available languages for a resource of given type and name
EnumResourceNames Enumerate available resource names for a specified resource type
EnumResourceTypes Enumerate available resource types
EOF Check for end of file
EOLn Check for end of line
equal(variant,variant):Boolean Implement = (equality) operation on variants.
Erase Delete a file from disk
Error Generate run-time error
Exclude Exclude element from a set if it is present.
Exit Exit current subroutine.
Exp Exponentiate
Fail Fail a constructor
FilePos Get position in file
FileSize Size of file
FillByte Fill memory region with 8-bit pattern
FillChar Fill memory region with certain character
FillDWord Fill memory region with 32-bit pattern
FillWord Fill memory region with 16-bit pattern
Finalize Finalize (clean up) memory block using RTTI
FinalizeArray Finalize managed-type elements in array
FindResource Locate a resource and return a handle to it.
FindResourceEx Find a resource based on type, name, language
float_raise Raise floating point exception
Flush Write file buffers to disk
FlushThread Flush all standard files
FMADouble Internal function, do not use
FMAExtended Internal function, do not use
FMASingle Internal function, do not use
FPower10 Fast multiply with a power of 10
Frac Return fractional part of floating point value.
FreeLibrary For compatibility with Delphi/Windows: Unload a library
Freemem Release allocated memory
Freememory Alias for FreeMem
FreeResource Free a loaded resource
GetCPUCount Return the number of cores on the system
GetCurrentThreadId Return the id of the currently running thread.
GetDir Return the current directory
GetDynLibsManager Return currently active dynamic library support handler
GetFPCHeapStatus Return FPC heap manager status information
GetHeapStatus Return the memory manager heap status.
GetLoadErrorStr Return an error describing the last library loading error
GetMem Allocate new memory on the heap
GetMemory Alias for GetMem
GetMemoryManager Return current memory manager
GetProcAddress For compatibility with Delphi/Windows: Get the address of a procedure
GetProcedureAddress Get the address of a procedure or symbol in a dynamic library.
GetProcessID Get the current process ID
GetResourceManager Return the currently active resource manager
GetTextCodePage Get the codepage used in a text file.
GetThreadID Get the current Thread ID.
GetThreadManager Return the current thread manager
GetTypeKind Return type kind for a type
GetUnicodeStringManager Return a copy of the currently active UnicodeString manager.
GetVariantManager Return the current variant manager.
GetWideStringManager Return a copy of the currently active widestring manager.
get_caller_addr Return the address of the caller.
get_caller_frame Return the frame pointer of the caller
get_caller_stackinfo Return caller stack infomation
get_cmdline Return the command-line as a null-terminated string
get_frame Return the current frame
Get_pc_addr Get Program Counter address
greaterthan(variant,variant):Boolean Implement > (greater than) operation on variants.
greaterthanorequal(variant,variant):Boolean Implement >= (greater than or equal) operation on variants.
Halt Stop program execution.
HexStr Convert integer value to string with hexadecimal representation.
Hi Return high byte/word/nibble of value.
High Return highest index of open array or enumerated
HINSTANCE Windows compatibility type for use in resources
Inc Increase value of integer variable
Include Include element in set if it was not yet present.
IndexByte Search for a byte in a memory range.
IndexChar Search for a character in a memory range.
IndexChar0 Return index of a character in null-terminated array of char.
IndexDWord Search for a DWord value in a memory range.
IndexQWord Return the position of a QWord in a memory range
Indexword Search for a WORD value in a memory range.
InitCriticalSection Initialize a critical section
Initialize Initialize memory block using RTTI
InitializeArray Initialize managed-type elements in array
InitThread Initialize a thread
InitThreadVars Initialize threadvars
Insert Insert one string or dynamic array in another.
Int Calculate integer part of floating point value.
intdivide(variant,variant):variant Implement div (integer division) operation on variants.
InterlockedCompareExchange Conditional exchange
InterlockedCompareExchangePointer Compare pointers in an atomic operation
InterlockedDecrement Thread-safe decrement
InterlockedExchange Exchange 2 integers in a thread-safe way
InterlockedExchangeAdd Thread-safe add and exchange of 2 values
InterlockedIncrement Thread-safe increment
IOResult Return result of last file IO operation
IsDynArrayRectangular Check whether all dimensions have the same size
IsMemoryManagerSet Is the memory manager set
Is_IntResource Check whether a resource is an internal resource
KillThread Kill a running thread
LeaveCriticalSection Leave a critical section
leftshift(variant,variant):variant Implement binary shl operation on variants.
Length Returns length of a string or array.
lessthan(variant,variant):Boolean Implement < (less than) operation on variants.
lessthanorequal(variant,variant):Boolean Implement <= (less than or equal) operation on variants.
LEtoN Convert Little Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer
Ln Calculate logarithm
Lo Return low nibble/byte/word of value.
LoadLibrary Load a dynamic library and return a handle to it.
LoadResource Load a resource for use
LockResource Lock a resource
logicaland(variant,variant):variant Implement logical/binary and operation on variants
logicalnot(variant):variant Implement logical/binary not operation on variants
logicalor(variant,variant):variant Implement logical/binary or operation on variants
logicalxor(variant,variant):variant Implement logical/binary xor operation on variants
longjmp Jump to address.
Low Return lowest index of open array or enumerated
LowerCase Return lowercase version of a string.
MakeLangID Create a language ID
MemSize Return the size of a memory block.
MkDir Create a new directory.
modulus(variant,variant):variant Implement mod (modulo) operation on variants.
Move Move data from one location in memory to another
MoveChar0 Move data till first zero character
multiply(variant,variant):variant Implement multiplication (*) operation on variants.
negative(variant):variant Implement - (unary minus, negation) operation on variants.
New Dynamically allocate memory for variable
NtoBE Convert Native-ordered integer to a Big Endian-ordered integer
NtoLE Convert Native-ordered integer to a Little Endian-ordered integer
Null Null variant
OctStr Convert integer to a string with octal representation.
Odd Is a value odd or even ?
Ofs Return offset of a variable.
Ord Return ordinal value of an ordinal type.
Pack Create packed array from normal array
ParamCount Return number of command-line parameters passed to the program.
ParamStr Return value of a command-line argument.
Pi Return the value of PI.
PopCnt Count number of set bits
Pos Search for substring in a string.
power(variant,variant):variant Implement power (**) operation on variants.
Pred Return previous element for an ordinal type.
Prefetch Prefetch a memory location
Ptr Combine segment and offset to pointer
RaiseList List of currently raised exceptions.
Random Generate random number
Randomize Initialize random number generator
Read Read from a text file into variable
ReadBarrier Memory Read Barrier
ReadDependencyBarrier Memory Read Dependency Barrier
ReadLn Read from a text file into variable and goto next line
ReadStr Read variables from a string
ReadWriteBarrier Memory read/write barrier
Real2Double Convert Turbo Pascal style real to double.
ReAllocMem Re-allocate memory on the heap
ReAllocMemory Alias for ReAllocMem
ReleaseExceptionObject Decrease the reference count of the current exception object.
Rename Rename file on disk
Reset Open file for reading
ResumeThread Resume a suspended thread.
Rewrite Open file for writing
rightshift(variant,variant):variant Implement binary shr operation on variants.
RmDir Remove directory when empty.
RolByte Rotate bits of a byte value to the left
RolDWord Rotate bits of a DWord (cardinal) value to the left
RolQWord Rotate bits of a QWord (64-bit) value to the left
RolWord Rotate bits of a word value to the left
RorByte Rotate bits of a byte value to the right
RorDWord Rotate bits of a DWord (cardinal) value to the right
RorQWord Rotate bits of a QWord (64-bit) value to the right
RorWord Rotate bits of a word value to the right
Round Round floating point value to nearest integer number.
RTLEventCreate Create a new RTL event
RTLEventDestroy Destroy a RTL Event
RTLEventResetEvent Reset an event
RTLEventSetEvent Notify threads of the event.
RTLEventWaitFor Wait for an event.
RunError Generate a run-time error.
SafeLoadLibrary Load a library safely
SarInt64 64-bit Shift Arithmetic Right
SarLongint 32-bit Shift Arithmetic Right
SarShortint 8-bit Shift Arithmetic Right
SarSmallint 16-bit Shift Arithmetic Right
Seek Set file position
SeekEOF Set file position to end of file
SeekEOLn Set file position to end of line
Seg Return segment
SetCodePage Set the codepage of a string
SetDynLibsManager Set a new handler for dynamic library support
Setjmp Save current execution point.
SetLength Set length of a string or dynamic array.
SetMemoryManager Set a memory manager
SetMultiByteConversionCodePage Set codepage for conversions from multi-byte strings to single-byte strings
SetMultiByteFileSystemCodePage Set codepage used when passing strings to OS single-byte file system APIs
SetMultiByteRTLFileSystemCodePage Set codepage used when interpreting strings from OS single-byte file system APIs
SetResourceManager Set the resource manager
SetString Set length of a string and copy buffer.
SetTextBuf Set size of text file internal buffer
SetTextCodePage Set the codepage used in a text file.
SetTextLineEnding Set the end-of-line character for the given text file.
SetThreadManager Set the thread manager, optionally return the current thread manager.
SetUnicodeStringManager Set the unicodestring manager
SetVariantManager Set the current variant manager.
SetWideStringManager Set the widestring manager
ShortCompareText Compare 2 shortstrings
Sin Calculate sine of angle
SizeOf Return size of a variable or type.
SizeofResource Return the size of a particular resource
Slice Return part of an array
Space Return a string of spaces
SPtr Return current stack pointer
Sqr Calculate the square of a value.
Sqrt Calculate the square root of a value
SSeg Return stack segment register value.
StackTop Top location of the stack.
Str Convert a numerical or enumeration value to a string.
StringCodePage Get the code page of a string
StringElementSize Get the character size of a string.
StringOfChar Return a string consisting of 1 character repeated N times.
StringRefCount Get the reference count of a string
StringToPPChar Split string in list of null-terminated strings
StringToUnicodeChar Convert an ansistring to a null-terminated array of Unicode characters.
StringToWideChar Convert a string to an array of widechars.
StrLen Length of a null-terminated string.
StrPas Convert a null-terminated string to a shortstring.
subtract(variant,variant):variant Implement subtraction (-) operation on variants.
Succ Return next element of ordinal type.
SuspendThread Suspend a running thread.
Swap Swap high and low bytes/words of a variable
SwapEndian Swap endianness of the argument
SysAllocMem System memory manager: Allocate memory
SysAssert Standard Assert failure implementation
SysBacktraceStr Format an address suitable for inclusion in a backtrace
SysFlushStdIO Flush all standard IO file descriptors
SysFreemem System memory manager free routine.
SysFreememSize System memory manager free routine.
SysGetFPCHeapStatus Return the status of the FPC heapmanager
SysGetHeapStatus System implementation of GetHeapStatus
SysGetmem System memory manager memory allocator.
SysInitExceptions Initialize exceptions.
SysInitFPU Initialize the FPU
SysInitStdIO Initialize standard input and output.
SysMemSize System memory manager: free size.
SysReAllocMem System memory manager: Reallocate memory
SysResetFPU Reset the floating point unit.
SysSetCtrlBreakHandler System CTRL-C handler
SysTryResizeMem System memory manager: attempt to resize memory.
ThreadGetPriority Return the priority of a thread.
ThreadSetPriority Set the priority of a thread.
ThreadSwitch Signal possibility of thread switch
ToSingleByteFileSystemEncodedFileName Convert string to encoding for use in single-byte file system API
Trunc Truncate a floating point value.
Truncate Truncate the file at position
TryEnterCriticalSection Try entering a critical section
TypeInfo Return pointer to type information for type
TypeOf Return pointer to VMT of an object
UCS4StringToUnicodeString Convert a UCS-4 encoded string to a Unicode string
Unassigned Unassigned variant.
UnicodeCharLenToString Convert a memory buffer with Unicode characters to a unicodestring
UnicodeCharLenToStrVar Convert a memory buffer with Unicode characters to an ansistring
UnicodeCharToString Convert Unicode character to string
UnicodeCharToStrVar Convert a null-terminated memory buffer with Unicode characters to an ansistring
UnicodeStringToUCS4String Convert a Unicode string to a UCS-4 string.
UniqueString Make sure reference count of string is 1
UnloadLibrary Unload a previously loaded library
UnlockResource Unlock a previously locked resource
UnPack Create unpacked array from packed array
UpCase Convert a string to all uppercase.
Utf8CodePointLen Length of an UTF-8 codepoint.
UTF8Decode Convert an UTF-8 encoded ansistring to a unicodestring
UTF8Encode Convert a widestring or unicodestring to an UTF-8 encoded ansistring
Utf8ToAnsi Convert a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string to an ansistring
UTF8ToString Convert UTF8 to Unicode String
Utf8ToUnicode Convert a buffer with UTF-8 characters to widestring characters
Val Calculate numerical/enumerated value of a string.
VarArrayGet Get a value from a single cell of a variant array
VarArrayPut Put a value in a single cell of a variant array
VarArrayRedim Redimension a variant array
VarCast Cast a variant to a certain type
WaitForThreadTerminate Wait for a thread to terminate.
WideCharLenToString Convert a length-limited array of widechar to an unicodestring
WideCharLenToStrVar Convert a length-limited array of widechar to an ansistring
WideCharToString Convert a null-terminated array of widechar to an unicodestring
WideCharToStrVar Convert a null-terminated array of widechar to an ansistring
WideStringToUCS4String Convert a widestring to a UCS-4 encoded string.
Write Write variable to a text file or standard output
WriteBarrier Memory write barrier
WriteLn Write variable to a text file or standard output and append newline
WriteStr Write variables to a string

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