Convert Native-ordered integer to a Big Endian-ordered integer


Source position: systemh.inc line 1008

  function NtoBE(const AValue: SmallInt) : SmallInt;
  function NtoBE(const AValue: Word) : Word;
  function NtoBE(const AValue: LongInt) : LongInt;
  function NtoBE(const AValue: DWord) : DWord;
  function NtoBE(const AValue: Int64) : Int64;
  function NtoBE(const AValue: QWord) : QWord;


NToBE will rearrange the bytes in a natively-ordered number to the Big-Endian order. That is, for a Little-Endian processor, it will invert the order of the bytes and for a big-endian processor, it will do nothing.

See also

Name Description
BEtoN Convert Big Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer
LEtoN Convert Little Endian-ordered integer to Native-ordered integer
NtoLE Convert Native-ordered integer to a Little Endian-ordered integer

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