
Split string in list of null-terminated strings


Source position: line 1656

  function StringToPPChar(var S: AnsiString; ReserveEntries: Integer)
                          : PPChar;
  function StringToPPChar(S: PChar; ReserveEntries: Integer) : PPChar;


StringToPPChar splits the string S in words, replacing any whitespace with zero characters. It returns a pointer to an array of pchars that point to the first letters of the words in S. This array is terminated by a Nil pointer.

The function does not add a zero character to the end of the string unless it ends on whitespace.

The function reserves memory on the heap to store the array of PChar; The caller is responsible for freeing this memory.

This function is only available on certain platforms.



See also

Name Description
ArrayStringToPPchar Concert an array of string to an array of null-terminated strings

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