
Expand a relative filename to an absolute UNC filename.


Source position: finah.inc line 32

  function ExpandUNCFileName(const FileName: UNICODESTRING)
                             : UNICODESTRING;
  function ExpandUNCFileName(const FileName: RAWBYTESTRING)
                             : RAWBYTESTRING;


ExpandUNCFileName runs ExpandFileName on FileName and then attempts to replace the drive letter by the name of a shared disk.


If an unexpected error occurs while determining the name of the shared disk, an empty string is returned.

See also

Name Description
ExpandFileName Expand a relative filename to an absolute filename.
ExtractFileDir Extract the drive and directory part of a filename.
ExtractFileDrive Extract the drive part from a filename.
ExtractFileExt Return the extension from a filename.
ExtractFileName Extract the filename part from a full path filename.
ExtractFilePath Extract the path from a filename.
ExtractRelativePath Extract a relative path from a filename, given a base directory.

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