
Check whether a particular file exists in the file system.


Source position: line 182

  function FileExists(const FileName: UnicodeString; FollowLink: Boolean)
                      : Boolean;
  function FileExists(const FileName: RawByteString; FollowLink: Boolean)
                      : Boolean;


FileExists returns True if a file with name FileName exists on the disk, False otherwise. On windows, this function will return False if a directory is passed as FileName.

On Unixes, passing a directory name used to result in True. (The rationale is that on UNIX, a directory is a file as well). As of version 3.2.0, this behaviour has been changed for a Delphi-compatible approach.

Note that this function accepts a single filename as an argument, without wildcards. To check for the existence of multiple files, see the FindFirst function.



See also

Name Description
FileAge Return the timestamp of a file.
FileGetAttr Return attributes of a file.
FileSetAttr Set the attributes of a file.
FindFirst Start a file search and return a findhandle


Program Example38;
{ This program demonstrates the FileExists function }
Uses sysutils;
  If FileExists(ParamStr(0)) Then
    Writeln ('All is well, I seem to exist.');

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