
Read data from a file handle in a buffer.


Source position: line 225

  function FileRead(Handle: THandle; out Buffer; Count: LongInt) : LongInt;


FileRead reads Count bytes from file-handle Handle and stores them into Buffer. Buffer must be at least Count bytes long. No checking on this is performed, so be careful not to overwrite any memory. Handle must be the result of a FileOpen call.

The function returns the number of bytes actually read, or -1 on error.

For an example, see FileCreate


On error, -1 is returned.

See also

Name Description
FileClose Close a file handle.
FileCreate Create a new file and return a handle to it.
FileOpen Open an existing file and return a file handle
FileSeek Set the current file position on a file handle.
FileTruncate Truncate an open file to a given size.
FileWrite Write data from a buffer to a given file handle.

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