
Return a string representation of a TDateTime value with a given format.


Source position: line 158

  function FormatDateTime(const FormatStr: string; DateTime: TDateTime; 
                         Options: TFormatDateTimeOptions) : string;
  function FormatDateTime(const FormatStr: string; DateTime: TDateTime; 
                         const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings; 
                         Options: TFormatDateTimeOptions) : string;


FormatDateTime formats the date and time encoded in DateTime according to the formatting given in FormatStr. The complete list of formatting characters can be found in formatchars .

When the format string is empty, 'c' is used instead.

Note that on unix systems, the localization support must be enabled explicitly, see Localization .


On error (such as an invalid character in the formatting string), and EConvertError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
DateTimeToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a predefined format.
DateToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a date string with a predefined format.
EConvertError Conversion error.
Localization Localization support
StrToDateTime Convert a date/time string to a TDateTime value.
TimeToStr Convert a TDateTime time to a string using a predefined format.


Program Example14;
{ This program demonstrates the FormatDateTime function }
Uses sysutils;
Var ThisMoment : TDateTime;
  Writeln ('Now : ',FormatDateTime('hh:nn',ThisMoment));
  Writeln ('Now : ',FormatDateTime('DD MM YYYY',ThisMoment));
  Writeln ('Now : ',FormatDateTime('c',ThisMoment));

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    No results matching ""