Reference for unit 'sysutils': Types

Type Description
EHeapException Heap exception
ExceptClass Exception Class reference
Int128Rec Record representing a 128-bit unsigned integer.
Int64Rec Record describing an Int64 value
LongRec Record describing a longint value
OWordRec Identical to the Int128Rec record.
PByteArray Pointer to an array of byte.
PDayTable Pointer to TDayTable type.
PString Pointer to a ansistring
PSysCharSet Pointer to TSysCharSet type.
PWordarray Pointer to an array of word.
TArray Generic array definition
TBeepHandler Beep handler prototype
TByteArray Array of bytes
TBytes Array of byte
TCharArray Array of characters
TCompareOption String compare options
TCompareOptions Set of string compare options
TCreateGUIDFunc Callback prototype to create GUIDs
TDayTable Array of day names.
TEndian Endianness of a CPU
TEventType Log event type
TEventTypes Set of TEventType
TExecuteFlags Flags for ExecuteProcess
TFileName Filename type
TFilenameCaseMatch Type describing how ExpandFileNameCase found the resulting filename
TFilenameCaseMatch Type describing how ExpandFileNameCase found the resulting filename
TFileRec Record describing an untyped file.
TFileSearchOption Options for the FileSearch call.
TFileSearchOptions Set of TFileSearchOption
TFloatFormat Formats for the FloatToText function.
TFloatRec Record describing a float value
TFloatValue Type of float to return in the buffer for TextToFloat.
TFormatDateTimeOption Additional options for FormatDateTime
TFormatDateTimeOptions Set of TFormatDateTimeOption
TFormatSettings Record with all the strings that determine formatting
TGetAppNameEvent Callback type to get customized application name.
TGetTempDirEvent Function prototype for OnGetTempDir handler.
TGetTempFileEvent Function prototype for OnGetTempFile handler.
TGetVendorNameEvent Prototype for OnGetVendorName event.
THandle File Handle type.
TIntegerSet Set with size of integer.
TMbcsByteType Type of multi-byte character set.
TMonthNameArray Array type for array of month variables
TProcedure Procedural type
TRawbyteSearchRec Record describing a search handle or result (single-byte string version)
TReplaceFlags Flags for StringReplace function
TSearchRec Record describing a search handle or result
TSignalState State of the signal handler (unix only)
TStringArray Dynamic array of strings
TStringSplitOptions String split options used in TStringHelper.Split
TSysCharSet Set of characters.
TSysLocale Type describing the current locale
TSystemTime System time structure
TTerminateProc Terminate procedure procedural variable.
TTextRec Record describing a text file.
TTimeStamp TimeStamp structure
TUnicodeCharArray Array of UnicodeChar
TUnicodeSearchRec Unicode searchrec record
TUseBoolStrs Use boolean strings
TWeekNameArray Array of 7 Strings for week day names
TWordArray Array of word (Unsigned 16 bit integer)
WordRec Record describing a word value.

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