TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Clone(TUnicodeEncoding) public Clone a TUnicodeEncoding instance
Clone(TEncoding) public Clone a TEncoding instance
Clone(TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding) public Clone a TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding instance
Convert(Convert) public Convert an array of bytes from one encoding to another
Create(TUnicodeEncoding) public Create a new instance of the TUnicodeEncoding class
GetBufferEncoding(GetBufferEncoding) public Attempt to guess the encoding of a buffer
GetEncoding(GetEncoding) public Get an encoding instance for a given codepage.
GetMaxByteCount(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return max number of bytes needed to represent a string
GetMaxByteCount(TEncoding) public Returns the maximum number of bytes needed to represent a string
GetMaxCharCount(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return max number of characters that can be represented by an array of bytes
GetMaxCharCount(TEncoding) public Return the maximum number of characters that can be represented in a number of bytes
GetPreamble(TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding) public Return BOM marker bytes
GetPreamble(TEncoding) public Return the BOM Marker used by the encoding
GetPreamble(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return BOM marker bytes
GetString(GetString) public Return a string based on an array of bytes
IsStandardEncoding(TEncoding) public Check if the encoding is one of the standard encodings

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