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Helper type for TGUID


Source position: line 35

  TGuidHelper = record helper type for TGUID
    class function Create(const Data; BigEndian: Boolean) : TGUID;  Overload
                         ;  Static;
    class function Create(const Data: Array of Byte; AStartIndex: Cardinal; 
                         BigEndian: Boolean) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(const Data; DataEndian: TEndian) : TGUID
                         ;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(const B: TBytes; DataEndian: TEndian) : TGUID
                         ;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(const B: TBytes; AStartIndex: Cardinal; 
                         DataEndian: TEndian) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(const S: string) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(A: Integer; B: SmallInt; C: SmallInt; 
                         const D: TBytes) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(A: Integer; B: SmallInt; C: SmallInt; D: Byte; 
                         E: Byte; F: Byte; G: Byte; H: Byte; I: Byte; 
                         J: Byte; K: Byte) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function Create(A: Cardinal; B: Word; C: Word; D: Byte; E: Byte; 
                         F: Byte; G: Byte; H: Byte; I: Byte; J: Byte; 
                         K: Byte) : TGUID;  Overload;  Static;
    class function NewGuid : TGUID;  Static;
    function ToByteArray(DataEndian: TEndian) : TBytes;
    function ToString(SkipBrackets: Boolean) : string;


TGuidHelper provides various methods for a TGUID]() type.


Member Type Visibility Description
Create Method default Initialize a TGUID instance from data.
NewGuid Method default Create a new GUID
ToByteArray Method default Convert to array of bytes
ToString Method default Convert to string


Class Description
TGuidHelper Helper type for TGUID

See also

Name Description
TGUID Standard GUID representation type.

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