
Compare 2 strings byte for byte


Source position: syshelph.inc line 73

  class function CompareOrdinal(const A: string; const B: string)
                                : Integer;  Overload;  Static;
  class function CompareOrdinal(const A: string; IndexA: SizeInt; 
                               const B: string; IndexB: SizeInt; 
                               ALen: SizeInt) : Integer;  Overload
                               ;  Static;


CompareOrdinal compares 2 strings A and B bytewise. It is faster than a regular compare, but offers less options.

0 if the strings are equal a negative number if A < B a positive number if A > B

Optionally, a zero-based starting index for the compare can be given for each of the strings: IndexA and IndexB. In this case a maximum amount of characters (ALen) to be compared must also be specified.



See also

Name Description
TStringHelper.Compare Compare 2 strings
TStringHelper.CompareTo Compare string to another

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