
Return the last position of one of a series of delimiters


Source position: syshelph.inc line 132

  function LastDelimiter(const Delims: string) : SizeInt;


LastDelimiter searches the string backwards for an occurrence of one of the characters in Delims, and returns the corresponding (zero-based) index in the string. If no occurrence is found, -1 is returned.

See also

Name Description
TStringHelper.IndexOf Find the position (index) of a string or character
TStringHelper.IndexOfAny Find the position (index) of any string or character in a list.
TStringHelper.isDelimiter Check whether a character at a given position is a delimiter
TStringHelper.LastIndexOf Find the last position (index) of a string or character
TStringHelper.LastIndexOfAny Find the last position (index) of any string or character in a list.

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