TUnicodeEncoding : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Clone(TEncoding) public Clone a TEncoding instance
Clone(TUnicodeEncoding) public Clone a TUnicodeEncoding instance
Convert(Convert) public Convert an array of bytes from one encoding to another
Create(TUnicodeEncoding) public Create a new instance of the TUnicodeEncoding class
GetBufferEncoding(GetBufferEncoding) public Attempt to guess the encoding of a buffer
GetEncoding(GetEncoding) public Get an encoding instance for a given codepage.
GetMaxByteCount(TEncoding) public Returns the maximum number of bytes needed to represent a string
GetMaxByteCount(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return max number of bytes needed to represent a string
GetMaxCharCount(TEncoding) public Return the maximum number of characters that can be represented in a number of bytes
GetMaxCharCount(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return max number of characters that can be represented by an array of bytes
GetPreamble(TEncoding) public Return the BOM Marker used by the encoding
GetPreamble(TUnicodeEncoding) public Return BOM marker bytes
GetString(GetString) public Return a string based on an array of bytes
IsStandardEncoding(TEncoding) public Check if the encoding is one of the standard encodings

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