
Format widestring in a buffer.


Source position: syswideh.inc line 27

  function WideFormatBuf(var Buffer; BufLen: Cardinal; const Fmt; 
                        fmtLen: Cardinal; const Args: Array of const)
                         : Cardinal;
  function WideFormatBuf(var Buffer; BufLen: Cardinal; const Fmt; 
                        fmtLen: Cardinal; const Args: Array of const; 
                        const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings) : Cardinal;


WideFormatBuf calls simply WideFormat with Fmt (with length FmtLen bytes) and stores maximum BufLen bytes in the buffer buf. It returns the number of copied bytes.

See also

Name Description
Format Format a string with given arguments.
FormatBuf Format a string with given arguments and store the result in a buffer.
WideFmtStr Widestring format
WideFormat Format a wide string.

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