Reference for unit 'Types': Types

Type Description
ArgList Untyped pointer type
DWORD Alias for cardinal type
FILETIME Alias for the _FILETIME type
Largeint Alias for the Int64 type
LargeUint Alias for the QWord type
LARGE_INT Alias for the Int64 type
LARGE_UINT Alias for the QWord type
PByte Pointer to byte type
PCLSID Pointer to TCLSID type
PDisplay Untyped pointer type.
PDouble Pointer do double type
PDWord Pointer to DWord type
PEvent Untyped pointer type.
PFileTime Pointer to TFileTime type
PLargeInt Pointer to LargeInt
PLargeuInt Pointer to QWord type
PLongint Pointer to longint type
POleStr Pointer to WideChar
PPoint Pointer to TPoint type.
PPOleStr Pointer to POleStr type
PRect Pointer to TRect structure
PSize Pointer to TSize type
PSmallInt Pointer to smallint type
PSmallPoint Pointer to TSmallPoint type
PStatStg Pointer to TStatStg record.
PXrmOptionDescRec Pointer to TXrmOptionDescRec
Region Untyped pointer type
STATSTG Alias for the TStatStg type.
TagPoint Alias for TPoint
TagSize Alias for TSize
tagSTATSTG Storage statistics type for IStream interface.
TBooleanDynArray Dynamic array of booleans
TByteDynArray Dynamic array of (8-bit, unsigned) bytes
TCardinalDynArray Dynamic array of (32-bit, unsigned) cardinals
TCLSID Class ID identifier (GUID)
TDoubleDynArray Dynamic array of (Double-sized) floats
TDuplicates Enumeration type, indicating what to do with duplicates in a list.
TFileTime Alias for the _FILETIME type
TInt64DynArray Dynamic array of (64-bit, signed) int64s
TIntegerDynArray Dynamic array of (32-bit, signed) integers
TListCallback Method callback for list operations
TListStaticCallback Callback for list operations
TLongWordDynArray Dynamic array of (32-bit, unsigned) LongWords
TOleChar Alias for the widechar type
TPoint Point in a plane
TPointerDynArray Dynamic array of untyped pointers
TQWordDynArray Dynamic array of (64-bit, unsigned) QWords
TRect Rectangle in a plane
TShortIntDynArray Dynamic array of (8-bit, signed) shortints
TSingleDynArray Array of (single-sized) floats
TSize Area size
TSmallIntDynArray Dynamic array of (16-bit, signed) smallints
TSmallPoint Small point
TStatStg Record describing storage medium.
TStringDynArray Dynamic array of AnsiStrings
TWideStringDynArray Dynamic array of WideStrings
TWordDynArray Dynamic array of (16-bit, unsigned) words
TXrmOptionDescRec Opaque record type
Widget Untyped pointer type
WidgetClass Untyped pointer type
XrmOptionDescRec Alias for TXrmOptionDescRec
_FILETIME Filetime record type

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