
Return property type information, by property name.


Source position: typinfo.pp line 853

  function GetPropInfo(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const PropName: string)
                       : PPropInfo;
  function GetPropInfo(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const PropName: string; 
                      AKinds: TTypeKinds) : PPropInfo;
  function GetPropInfo(Instance: TObject; const PropName: string)
                       : PPropInfo;
  function GetPropInfo(Instance: TObject; const PropName: string; 
                      AKinds: TTypeKinds) : PPropInfo;
  function GetPropInfo(AClass: TClass; const PropName: string) : PPropInfo;
  function GetPropInfo(AClass: TClass; const PropName: string; 
                      AKinds: TTypeKinds) : PPropInfo;


GetPropInfo returns a pointer to the TPropInfo record for the PropName property of a class. The class to examine can be specified in one of three ways:

An instance of the class.
A class pointer to the class.
A pointer to the type information of the class.

In each of these three ways, if AKinds is specified, if the property has TypeKind which is not included in Akinds, Nil will be returned.

For an example, see most of the other functions.


If the property PropName does not exist, Nil is returned.

See also

Name Description
GetPropInfos Return a list of published properties.
GetPropList Return a list of a certain type of published properties.

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