Reference for unit 'TypInfo': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
FindPropInfo Return property information by property name.
GetEnumName Return name of enumeration constant.
GetEnumNameCount Return number of names in an enumerated type
GetEnumProp Return the value of an enumeration type property.
GetEnumValue Get ordinal value for enumerated type by name
GetFloatProp Return value of floating point property
GetInt64Prop return value of an Int64 property
GetInterfaceProp Return interface-typed property
GetMethodProp Return value of a method property
GetObjectProp Return value of an object-type property.
GetObjectPropClass Return class of property.
GetOrdProp Get the value of an ordinal property
GetPropInfo Return property type information, by property name.
GetPropInfos Return a list of published properties.
GetPropList Return a list of a certain type of published properties.
GetPropValue Get property value as a string.
GetRawInterfaceProp Get a raw (CORBA) interface property.
GetSetProp Return the value of a set property.
GetStrProp Return the value of a string property.
GetTypeData Return a pointer to type data, based on type information.
GetUnicodeStrProp Get UnicodeString-valued property
GetVariantProp Return the value of a variant property.
GetWideStrProp Read a widestring property
IsPublishedProp Check whether a published property exists.
IsStoredProp Check whether a property is stored.
PropIsType Check the type of a published property.
PropType Return the type of a property
SetEnumProp Set value of an enumerated-type property
SetFloatProp Set value of a float property.
SetInt64Prop Set value of a Int64 property
SetInterfaceProp Set interface-valued property
SetMethodProp Set the value of a method property
SetObjectProp Set the value of an object-type property.
SetOrdProp Set value of an ordinal property
SetPropValue Set property value as variant
SetRawInterfaceProp Set a raw (CORBA) interface property.
SetSetProp Set value of set-typed property.
SetStrProp Set value of a string property
SetToString Convert set to a string description
SetUnicodeStrProp Set UnicodeString-valued property
SetVariantProp Set value of a variant property
SetWideStrProp Set a widestring property
StringToSet Convert string description to a set.

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