
Set value of set-typed property.


Source position: typinfo.pp line 902

  procedure SetSetProp(Instance: TObject; const PropName: string; 
                      const Value: string);
  procedure SetSetProp(Instance: TObject; const PropInfo: PPropInfo; 
                      const Value: string);


SetSetProp sets the property specified by PropInfo or PropName for object Instance to Value. Value is a string which contains a comma-separated list of values, each value being a string-representation of the enumerated value that should be included in the set. The value should be accepted by the StringToSet function.

The value can be formed using the SetToString function.

For an example, see GetSetProp .


No checking is done whether Instance is non-nil, or whether PropInfo describes a valid ordinal property of Instance. No range checking is performed. Specifying an invalid property name in PropName will result in an EPropertyError exception.

See also

Name Description
GetSetProp Return the value of a set property.
SetFloatProp Set value of a float property.
SetInt64Prop Set value of a Int64 property
SetMethodProp Set the value of a method property
SetOrdProp Set value of an ordinal property
SetStrProp Set value of a string property
SetToString Convert set to a string description
StringToSet Convert string description to a set.

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