
Compute the sort key for a string


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 512

  function ComputeSortKey(const AString: UnicodeString; 
                         const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook) : TUCASortKey
                         ;  Overload;
  function ComputeSortKey(const AStr: PUnicodeChar; 
                         const ALength: SizeInt; 
                         const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook) : TUCASortKey
                         ;  Overload;


ComputeSortKey computes the sort key for a unicode string AString (or the alternate form using a null-terminated AStr with length Alength) using the Unicode Collation Algorithm data in ACollation. This key can then be used in CompareSortKey to compare unicode strings.

See also

Name Description
CompareSortKey Compare two sort keys.

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