
Convert UCS4 to UNicodeChar


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 474

  procedure FromUCS4(const AValue: UCS4Char; out AHighS: UnicodeChar; 
                    out ALowS: UnicodeChar);


FromUCS4 converts the UCS4 encoded unicode character AValue to a set of unicode (surrogate pair) characters encoded in UTF16: AHighS, ALowS.

See also

Name Description
ToUCS4 Encode unicode UTF16 surrogate pair to UCS4 character
UnicodeIsHighSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the high character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsLowSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the low character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsSurrogatePair Check if a pair of UTF16 encoded characters is a valid surrogate pair.

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