
Compare 2 strings using the specified collation


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 523

  function IncrementalCompareString(const AStrA: PUnicodeChar; 
                                   const ALengthA: SizeInt; 
                                   const AStrB: PUnicodeChar; 
                                   const ALengthB: SizeInt; 
                                   const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook)
                                    : Integer;  Overload;
  function IncrementalCompareString(const AStrA: UnicodeString; 
                                   const AStrB: UnicodeString; 
                                   const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook)
                                    : Integer;  Overload;


IncrementalCompareString creates 2 compare keys from the strings AStrA and AStrB using collation data in ACollation. The keys are computed only to the point where the two strings differ. This means the keys cannot be reused for other comparisons if the strings differ. The two strings can be specified as a unicode string or as a pointer to a null-terminated character array with a length (ALengthA and ALengthB). It returns then the result of CompareSortKey .



See also

Name Description
CompareSortKey Compare two sort keys.
ComputeSortKey Compute the sort key for a string

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