Reference for unit 'unicodedata': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
CanonicalOrder Put unicode string in canonical order.
CompareSortKey Compare two sort keys.
ComputeSortKey Compute the sort key for a string
FindCollation Find a collation by name
FreeCollation Free collation data.
FromUCS4 Convert UCS4 to UNicodeChar
GetCollationCount Return the number of known collations.
GetProps Get unicode character data
GetPropUCA Get unicode collation algorithm properties for a unicode character
IncrementalCompareString Compare 2 strings using the specified collation
LoadCollation Load a binary collation data file from file
NormalizeNFD Perform unicode normalization D on a string
PrepareCollation Prepare a collation for use in the list
RegisterCollation Register a new collation
ToUCS4 Encode unicode UTF16 surrogate pair to UCS4 character
UnicodeIsHighSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the high character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsLowSurrogate Check if a UTF16 character is the low character in a surrogate pair.
UnicodeIsSurrogatePair Check if a pair of UTF16 encoded characters is a valid surrogate pair.
UnicodeToLower Transform unicode string to lowercase
UnicodeToUpper Transform unicode string to uppercase
UnregisterCollation Remove a collation from the list of known collections.
UnregisterCollations Unregister all collations.

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