
Load a binary collation data file from file


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 567

  function LoadCollation(const AData: Pointer; 
                        const ADataLength: Integer; 
                        var AAliases: TUnicodeStringArray) : PUCA_DataBook
                        ;  Overload;
  function LoadCollation(const AData: Pointer; const ADataLength: Integer)
                         : PUCA_DataBook;  Overload;
  function LoadCollation(const AFileName: UnicodeString; 
                        var AAliases: TUnicodeStringArray) : PUCA_DataBook
                        ;  Overload;
  function LoadCollation(const AFileName: UnicodeString) : PUCA_DataBook
                        ;  Overload;
  function LoadCollation(const ADirectory: UnicodeString; 
                        const ALanguage: UnicodeString; 
                        var AAliases: TUnicodeStringArray) : PUCA_DataBook
                        ;  Overload;
  function LoadCollation(const ADirectory: UnicodeString; 
                        const ALanguage: UnicodeString) : PUCA_DataBook
                        ;  Overload;


LoadCollation loads collation data from file AFileName, or from a memory block AData with length ADataLength. If successful, it returns a pointer which can be used to register the collation using RegisterCollation . if there is a problem with the data, Nil is returned.

The filename can also be specified as a Directory and language name ALanguage. The latter is prepended with collation_ and appended with the native endianness of the current platform, and has extension .bco


If the file containing data does not exist or has a size which is less than the encoded header size, Nil is returned.

See also

Name Description
RegisterCollation Register a new collation

results matching ""

    No results matching ""